gig# Platform Business Model: Community Base

2 min readJun 18, 2021

The gig# platform can perform a variety of community tasks based on your location. This is also a differentiated service from other platforms, helping to build a community to enable a diverse community life within the region, not just individual talent sharing.

Suppliers who share their talents with their users on Social Media can provide one or more classes a day. Such classes can be publicized and recruited based on the location of the talent-owners, and the platform will consult with the talent-owners to ensure that appropriate classes are available.

We also want to make use of idle spaces to contribute to the revitalization of the region and the local economy. These community-based activities will not only pursue profit, but also support a variety of community benefits at the platform level such as activities for non-profit purposes (e.g., cultural life, campaigns, and labor such as Kimjang).

