gig# Platform Business Model: e-Commerce

2 min readJun 14, 2021

The gig# platform matches various organizations (individual/small/corporate) with talent-owners. The recent COVID-19 situation has brought about a new situation in the labor market in every aspect. For example, many small and medium-sized enterprises that are in poor circumstances have begun restructuring. This shows that the reality is that the labor market is beginning to have an idle period of human resources and many people are looking for new jobs.

On the other hand, the number of people who try to break away from traditional working environments like once in their lives such as YOLO(you only live once), or who try to do more economic activities during their leisure time, and the emergence of new consumption patterns, such as ‘ small but definite happiness,’ ‘fast spending,’ and an increase in the number of households per person, have intensified the tendency to maximize personal convenience by combining the phenomenon of spending money on their own. The gig# platform wants to match unfulfilled needs with idle talent for the new consumption trends.

Organizations that need talent sharing services can freely allocate their workforce at the required time and spend relatively little labor costs, and talent-owners can expect additional revenue generation by advancing simple side jobs at the desired time and place.

